Monday, October 8, 2012

Reunion Pictures

Thanks to everyone who attended the reunion on Saturday.  A good time was had by all, and no major casualties were reported, although the lines are still open for good stories. The toilet huggers are off the floor, hotel security has left the building and the street bums have been spared their stories gone public thanks to Bret Dunlap. Prizes were awarded: Bubbles, has the most grandchildren, 17 and climbing; Jerry Dunietz traveled the farthest (Seattle, sorry Joel); Lilia Payton knew the school Alma Mater (very impressive); Kevin Kenny had the youngest child (7 years old! He beat out Sue Rockman by default because she never showed up); George Diamond was the first to sign up for the reunion (although he also won by default because Brad Pitt never showed, probably hanging out with Sue); Steve Dayton had the oldest child; Bob Bentz and Debbie Beistline still had the class ring, and I forget the rest, because that's when the tequila started to kick in (again, thanks to Bret Dunlap).

Here are some pictures of the event:

Lilia Payton, Kelly Hearter, Harold Kegerreis, Lynn Margolis and Walter George
                  Carmen, Walter, Shelly, Bruce and Tina
Tanya Dayton and Kathy Klinger

Tony Deitch and Kenny Courts

            Grant and Lynn

Carmen, George and Tony

Bill Binder, George Diamond and Dwight Foster                      

Lynn, Steve and Tanya Dayton

     Tracey Volscko, Kim Mullaney
                    Sue Santanna

       Lynn, Marilyn and Tony Deitch
 Shelly and Lilia Payton
 Grant Klinger, Dave Enders and Carla Minkoff
 Debbie Goldberg and Carla Minkoff
 Lisa Jauss and Joel Munter
 Renee and Scott Tobias

and Harold Kegerreis, Cheryl Samuels, Kathy Klinger
 Bob Kass, Kelly Hearter and Bob Bentz
 Paul Singer, Jerry Dunietz, Kenny Courts, Evan Lock and Steve Nudel
 Kathy Klinger, Lori Salva and Debbie Goldberg
 Kenny Courts and Bubbles
 Mike Hale

      Tami Mummert, Shelly Koznoskie,
 Suann Frantz, and Lynn

Tammy Lenker, Marty Issacman and Bret Dunlap

 Marilyn Kobrin
 Lynn and Marilyn
 Lynn, speechless, again.
 Debbie Beistline, Tammy Lenker, Joel Munter, Bob Bentz and Kenny Courts

Kenny Courts, Bret Dunlap and Bubbles
 Bret Dunlap and Bubbles, looking quite dapper in that fedora hat.
 Lynn, Bret and Bubbles
 Mark Ecker
 Bubbles, George Diamond, Larry Stone,  Dwight Foster and Bret Dunlap
 Bruce Mclaren and Bob Bentz
 Shelly, Carmen and Steve Prophet
 Jerry and Lynn
 Some people
 Lori, Bruce and Doug Farley
 Larry Stone, Bruce Mclaren and Doug Farley
 Lilia Payton and David Franklin
 Jerry Duneitz and Joel and Sandy Munter
 Late night, with the party crasher, Miles Miller
 Late night again

 Jerry Duneitz, Tina Crone and Wendy Bartlett

Wendy Bartlett and Doug Farley

It was great seeing everyone.  Hope you enjoy the pictures. Although I tried my best to make sure they are representative of the group, there are many not in the photos. If you have good shots of anyone not pictured, send them my way and I'll post them for the group.

So nice to see the party crashers, Paul Mummert and Miles Miller.   

Until next time...
            - T.

RIP Bill Ney, June 29, 1959 - October 10, 2012